
Pretty Cool Glasses!

Wednesday, 22 June 2011

Lions and Tigers and.......... Prowlers?

There are certain moments when you really want a guard dog, or one of those motion-sensing water gun alarms. Or so my friend tells me.

She says this moment began when her brother, Fred, crawled into her room at 3.30am to tell her that someone with a flashlight was roaming their backyard. Naturally, she did not wake her parents, as she didn't want to bother them. After a whispered consultation with her brother in the most remote part of the house (the part without windows), in which the 2 other brothers, Paul and Eric, galumped down the stairs to ask what the commotion was, they decided to go to bed and leave it alone. Several minutes later, her brother ran back down the stairs and crashed into the bathroom to tell her that he had just seen someone with a flashlight poking around their shed.

So she crawled up the stairs to the window, cautiously poked her head up one corner of the window, pulled it down, poked it up the other corner, and don't see anything. This time she was smart and woke her parents.

Apparently, her parents woke up quite fast when they heard what was happening. Her father stood at the window for quite sometime incase there was anything to be seen. Of course, there wasn't.

But of course, when he went to get dressed to have a look about the yard, the motion-sensing yard light came on, alerting them to the fact that there was movement in the yard. My friend ducked down beneath the window, and while she was curled in fetal position, Fred, while hiding in the shadows told her that someone in a black coat and hat had past the window. Of course, she jumped up, but there wasn't anything.

The father grabbed a hockey stick and flashlight and looked around the yard, and declared that the yard was extremely void of any other person other than himself.

In the quest for knowledge, he visited the younger brothers, who where found curled up on one bed (extremely weird). Paul declared that, in the best intentions he had, he had told Eric that he should come into his bed, because, "If it's a robber, there might be a gunfight, and your bed is right in line with the window, so you should come into my bed and wait.". All the while, Eric was interjecting with his own comments, "Yeah! Robbers!". "Yeah! Gunfight!". "Yeah! Real guns, with bullets!", and finished off with, "So I came into his bed!". Apparently, they thought this was a lark, I don't blame them! When else do you get a prowler in your yard, with your dad out there with a hockey stick and a mini flashlight!

The crowning glory was her sister who slept right through the whole thing, including the the thumping down stairs, the gasps, and the muffled screams!

My, I wish this had happened to me! She said it woke her up quite fast, even though it was 3.30 in the morning!

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