
Pretty Cool Glasses!

Wednesday, 26 October 2011

English in the Mathamatical World

Hi all, sorry for the long wait in posts, it got busy. Nobody told me life would be so busy!

Lately, we were debating on wether a word was positive or negative. You know, when you get those sentences that say, "Don't stop" among other things, they are deffinitely negative, because they are telling not to. Sentences that are "Please keep" or something like that are positive, because they are asking to do. We all know that.

But what happens if the sentence is "Stop keep fighting!"? Well, that is when the math comes into play. You put the sentence into a mathamatical equation like:

-4(stop)+ 4(keep)+ 8(fighting)= x.

Because "stop" and "keep" both have the same number of letters in them, and because "stop" is negative and "keep" is positive, they cancel themselves both out.

-4(stop)+ 4(keep)+ 8(fighting)= x.
-4 + 4 + 8 = x
0 + 8 = x

Then we finish the equation:

-4(stop)+ 4(keep)+ 8(fighting)= x.
-4 + 4 + 8 = x
0 + 8 = 8

Since the equation equals +8, it is a positive sentence. Period.

And that, ladies and gentlemen, is how to determine if a sentence is negative or positive.

Solving our mathematical problems to make the world a better place.

Tuesday, 4 October 2011

Your Personal Car-jacker

So, there's this guy..........

No, not in then dirty way you were just thinking, but there is this guy. He's the kind of personality that people run when they see him coming. Not that he's mean to the rest of us, he's just unfair and he talks a lot.

He also has 2 cars. OK, HE has his own car (he fills it with gas himself and doesn't drive it on camp property), and he thinks the other car is his (he doesn't fill it with gas himself, it's really a truck, and he drives it both on camp property and off).

This drives us nuts, because the truck isn't his (he thinks it's his, but it isn't), but he locks it and hides the keys in his room. Luckily for us, there is a spare key.

So, your own personal car-jackers (myself and my accomplice in crime), after mmany excuses and beating-round-the-bush, managed to plead the spare keys off of Terry, the maintenance manager, to the truck.

We timed our getaway to a "T". Right when the lawnmower came around the house, we quick turned the truck on, threw it in gear and raced out of the parking lot. And may I say that it is standard. : )

We had already decided where we were to hide it, on a bike trail far away from the road. This particular trail looks only 2' wide, but is really 5' wide and a bit, and no one ever walks on it. From the road, you see a hill, and nothing else.

So we went off-roading, oh yeah! And we turned the truck around on the path, and it's standard! And we left it there!

Now all we are doing is waiting for him to find the truck.

Always courting punishment

Monday, 3 October 2011

Lost in the Bush for 30 Minutes

Today, I vacuumed.

Oh, and swept, mopped and un-cluttered the entire lodge from top to bottom, cleaned 4 bathrooms, cleaned my apartment and filled the furnace fire-box with chunks of wood the size of a violin case (the only thing I could think of to compare it to, it took 3 trips with a pick-up filled way above the rim to fill the fire-box up). And dealt with staff drama.

I am not complaining, I would just like to point out that if you want to go to a clean camp, Mini-Yo-We is the place. We even washed the walls in the bathrooms today.

The fall colours are beautiful right now, even though it has been pouring since 3am this morning. On Saturday, because it was my day off, I went for a jog/walk in the afternoon. It was gorgeous! I started to jog the treehouse trail, which I have done before, when I noticed, not for the first time, the sign for another trail branching off from the treehouse trail, "Wild Thing". Cool stuff! I heard it was an advanced mountain-bike trail, so I decided to run it first, before embarrassing myself in front of the 12year old biking freaks.

Everything was fine and dandy, until I realized that the trail was disappearing, with me on it. Instead of turning around, I kept going, because I couldn't see the trail behind me. After bush-whacking for about 5 minutes (I knew the general direction I should go, away from the highway), I found myself at the end of the treehouse trail. Hallelujah!

Then I tried the "Back Woods" trail. Not strenuous at all. Extremely peaceful and gorgeous. I kept walking, even past the place where the "Back to MYW ->" and "Private Property. No hunting or trespassing" signs started to appear. Even worse was when the signs started to disappear. Finally, I decided to turn back, I followed a "Back to MYW ->" sign onto a smaller trail, thinking it was a more direct way back to camp. No.

After 5-10min of following the same zig-zagging trail, I found myself walking alongside someone's house. That gave me a foggy idea of where I was. Not on camp property any more, that was for sure!

The only thing that helped me to know that this was a trail that was actually supposed to be walked on was the orienteering triangles stapled onto random trees (apparently, it's not a biking trail, it's a learn-how-to-read-a-map trail) every 25'. After 30min of being stuck in the bush alone, no cell, no walkie, no flare-gun, I managed to find my way back to Edgewoods. I almost missed dinner!

Moral: When you go out in the forest alone, remember your bread-crumbs and twine.

The person who can get lost twice in 1 day.