
Pretty Cool Glasses!

Friday, 25 February 2011

Friends and Ice Cream and Mad Gab

So here I am, sitting on the floor with some friends, up in the middle of no-where, and getting ready to spend the day standing in the snow, waiting for dogs to race past. 

Actually, yes, but with some perks.  Eating chocolate ice cream, sitting near a fireplace, with some caramel tea at hand.  Yes, caramel tea!  And you might say, "Sarah, how do you get caramel tea?" or "What does caramel tea taste like?"  a) You get caramel tea by putting caramel chunks in regular green loose leaf tea.  Or you can flavour it extra by putting in different flavours of tea leaf.  b) Caramel tea tastes exactly how it sounds.  Tea with caramel in it.  And yes, it tastes soooooo good! 

My brothers pulled out a game that they found in the game room here in our friends house, called "Mad Gab".  A really fun game, and so interesting!  The way the game goes is that one person pulls a card out and the panel of gamers opposite them read the card and figure out what the word is on the card.  Sounds simple, right?  Not really.  What is this?  "Button Hen Knee of Hint".  Wow!  Ok, since you guys are so good at this game, lets get harder.  (My Mum loves this game!)
"Haste Robber Heap Hatch". 
"Hit Saw Lame Hissed Redo Me".   
"Ape Lay Onwards"
"Star Tin Tool Who Sun-up"
"Wheel Yum Air Ream He"

I'll give you the answers later.  This is a game that really gets your brain moving.  I rate it #2, after "Malarky", which is the player just making up lies to win.  That is my kind of game! 

Which leads me to a question:  What is an Eskimo kiss?  I've heard of a movie-star kiss, and an alfalfa kiss, but an Eskimo kiss???  Is is like an ice cream treat?  Or a new kind of Hershey kiss?  Enlighten me please!! 

So I told you I'm sitting in a friend's house in Beaverton.  They have a train track behind their house (or in-front, depending of which side you consider the front), and guess what!!  The house shakes as the train goes by!  Very disconcerting. 

Rick Mercer quote:  "Mennonites: A savage hill people bent on slicing down Canada's beautiful forests to turn into affordable but beautiful furniture." 

Affordable, but true

1 comment:

  1. An Eskimo kiss is simply rubbing noses :)
