
Pretty Cool Glasses!

Tuesday, 26 April 2011

A Spider's Last Words (And Thoughts)

This morning, I walked into the kitchen after washing my hair, to see my mother smooshing a used teabag up against the bottom of the cupboard. My mother has as running commentary on how many spiders she has killed in that day. So far, at 7:48am this morning, she has killed 2 spiders.

Nothing like being squished by an old lady and a teabag.

This leads me to think, that the last thing a spider sees before he dies the horrible death of squishing is grey hair and a teabag.

Last thought? "Man, appearances can be deceiving, I didn't think when they were that old, they could move that fast!"

My mum has a theory that if they're inside the house, they're fair game. I'm with her on that one.

Sorry Spiderman.

Saving the world, one spider at a time.

Saturday, 23 April 2011

My New Tool

Hi all,

So, I'm here to tell you about my new tool. I recently came into the possession of an iPad. Woohoo!!!!!!!

The reason being, is that we have one main computer in our house, then my dad has a laptop, and a iPod. as I recently started my job, which has more paper work than a job at McDonalds. This being, my job is at the local pool. I am a swim teacher, which means that I need to write lesson plans all the time. A lot of people write them on paper, with markers, or pens, but I like to write them on Google Docs. this makes them a lot easier to access anywhere in the world, plus, you don't have to carry them all over the place.

Also, I am producing a show this summer, but am also away, so I need a device to keep in contact with the world, so my show doesn't crash.

I started hunting around for a laptop, preferably a MacBook, but of course, the pool doesn't pay that much.

Then, a relative with an iPad decided to give their's up, for $250, so I quick snapped it up.

So I am the proud owner of a 1st generation iPad, with Wi-Fi. I am looking at my iPad like it is both a giant iPod, and a mini MacBook.

It is one of the best purchases I have made!

Exhuming cemeteries, one grave at a time.

Thursday, 14 April 2011

Cats and Their Simple Amusements

So here I am, sitting in front of my computer, supposed to be working.  But you know how it is, one thing leads to another, and all of a sudden, you are amused in a very simple pleasure.  For some people, it is watching embarassing movies on YouTube, for others, it is texting a friend.  For me, it is none other than watching my cats.  But what they are doing is the funny part. 

One of my cats started it by jumping up beside me and starting to flirt with me.  (If you tell me you have never had a cat flirt with you, you are a breed in itself.)  Finding me not very inviting, he turned his attention to my key-board, which was balanced across my lap.  As he was busily flirting away with this piece of unfeeling plastic, which apparently was giving him at least some satisfaction, he bumped the eject button on the keyboard.  The disc drawer of my computer tower popped out.  And my cat froze.  Then he jumped down and raced away to call the army. 

He crept around the other side of the table, and stealthily arrived on the other side of the tower.  He then settled himself down to both wait for the army, and to make sure the enemy wouldn't show it's face again.  That's when I pressed the eject button again, to see what would happen.  That's also when he jumped a foot in the air, and his hair stood on end.  He then decided to look very reproachfully at the drawer, and sniffed at it.  I pushed the button again.  This time, he really freaked out.  As if he hadn't before!

Then the army arrived, in the form of his fellow feline-in-crime, the Yellow Devil.  That's not his real name, it just sounded cooler than his real name, which is Felix.  See?  Yellow Devil sounds way cooler.  Anyways, back to the story.

They both settled down to wait, but they didn't need to wait long, for the drawer popped out again (yes, it was me), and this time Felix jumped, and Leonard (the 1st cat) looked reproachfully at him

After a few tries at scaring it (unsuccessful), they stalked away, only to come creeping back, the excitement had grown.  They engaged it in aerial combat, and foot work.  The drawer won every time.  Then Leonard got ahead of himself, and chased it back in side.  It bit his paw.  So he tried again, same thing happened.  Again, again and again it happened, then I lost interest.  So that was that.  In vain did they taunt the drawer in the computer tower, never once did it show it's face again.  It had disappeared while it was winning.

It was fun while it was still funny.   Actually, it was funny all along, I was just afraid Leonard was going to rip the drawer out, rollers and all.

Be kind, rewind.

Wednesday, 13 April 2011

The Richmond Scarf

Here is a new pattern I have just designed for knitters:

The Richmond Scarf

This scarf is really just decreases, yarn-overs, knits and purls. It is gorgeous in the Noro the example is made of! The Noro Silk Garden that I used is a bit bulky in places, so it knits up quite fast. I would recommend it for a past-beginner, not-yet-advanced knitter. It is a nice classy pattern, and when used with a bright yarn, would brighten any drab coat up, as you can see! The great thing about Noro is that the colour repeats hardly ever repeats!

Yarn: 1 ball Noro Silk Garden #308 – Lot B
1 ball Noro Silk Garden #273 – Lot A

Needles: Size 6mm or size needed to make gauge.

Gauge: 20sts and 10rows = 4 inches

Also needed: Tapestry needle to thread ends in when binding off.

Scarf pattern:

Cast on 37sts loosely.
Row 1: K1, * YO, K2tog, P1, K1 * to the end
Row 2: P1, * YO, P2tog, K1, P1 * to the end

Repeat these two rows until both balls of yarn have been knit.

Bind off, thread in ends.

You may block the scarf, but it will stretch considerably because of all the YO's.

Wear, and enjoy! Consider making one (or more!) as a Christmas present, because they are so easy to knit up, and so warm and comfy!

Just as smart as you thought.

Saturday, 9 April 2011

A Toast to a Granddad

Today was my Granddad's 79th birthday.  The quote of the day is "A friend: How does it feel to be 29?  Granddad:  The same as it did at 29." 

One story that sums up his life at now 79, is the garbage dash.  On Wednesday (Garbage/Green bin/Recycling day), he noticed that all the other houses on our street had put garbage bags out, except ours.  So he decided to wait to see if it was really garbage day, because garbage day comes every other week for us.  Some how, he got sidetracked, and when he looked out his window, there was the garbage truck, making it's slow lumbering path away from our house.  So he picked up the tiny little grocery bag of garbage he had amassed, and began the 50-yard dash from our front door to the back of the garbage truck.  The 50-yard sprint is just that.  50 yards, run by a then 78 year old man, with a bag of garbage in his hand.  After the 50-yards had been run, he gave up, and discus threw the bag, which amazingly enough, landed in the back of the garbage truck.  With my luck, it would have hit the side, and slid down slowly to the pavement. 

Yes, folks, this is my Grandfather, and I should be proud.  This guy can run!  And he is a great cook!  So cheers for Granddad, who's taught me the best jokes, how to balance on my hands, and the facts of life, more specifically, about WWII, and the Avro Arrow.  Here's to a life well lived!


Friday, 1 April 2011


What if the Hokey-Pokey really is what it's all about?


The Deadliest Substance We Know

Hi everyone,

Today, I am here to tell you about the deadliest substance that is known to us.  It is known as Dihydrogen Monoxide (DIMO), Hydrogen Hydroxide, Hydronium Hydroxide, or simply Hydric acid.  I was recently introduced to it, as a result and byproduct of my new job, and I was rightly terrified.  This substance is everywhere!!  I can't believe how long I walked around blind, not knowing that such a deadly substance was so within my reach!

Dihydrogen Monoxide is even found even on the food we eat!  Even when you wash a piece of, say fruit for example, to decontaminate it of DIMO, traces of Dihydrogen Monoxide can still be found in strong concentrations on that piece!

This substance has also been given to vicious dogs before an attack, and has been found in criminal's body systems after even shooting attacks!  I don't know which is more dangerous!  Arsenic or DIMO! 

Some other uses include:  Used in the U.S. Navy in the propulsion system of their fleet, in fire-suppressants and retardants, and most shockingly, in swimming pools!  Even daycare systems use it supposedly for sanitary uses.  I think this is disgraceful!  Subjecting the next generation to this harmful substance which can, among other causes: cause major tissue damage, if exposure is prolonged, cause severe burns, cause death even at small exposures, and any number of unpleasant side-effects, which our children, and even us, should not have to endure.

It has also been found in streams, rivers, oceans and lakes.  It is a major contaminant in everything.

I think we should consider harder the effects this substance can cause, and raise some public awareness. 

Here are a few sites that I have included, so you can read up, and tell me what your mindset of this disgusting problem is:
Ban Hydrogen Monoxide
Dihydrogen Monoxide Warning

Leave some comments, and maybe we can fight this together!!

Saving the world, one problem at a time