
Pretty Cool Glasses!

Saturday, 23 April 2011

My New Tool

Hi all,

So, I'm here to tell you about my new tool. I recently came into the possession of an iPad. Woohoo!!!!!!!

The reason being, is that we have one main computer in our house, then my dad has a laptop, and a iPod. as I recently started my job, which has more paper work than a job at McDonalds. This being, my job is at the local pool. I am a swim teacher, which means that I need to write lesson plans all the time. A lot of people write them on paper, with markers, or pens, but I like to write them on Google Docs. this makes them a lot easier to access anywhere in the world, plus, you don't have to carry them all over the place.

Also, I am producing a show this summer, but am also away, so I need a device to keep in contact with the world, so my show doesn't crash.

I started hunting around for a laptop, preferably a MacBook, but of course, the pool doesn't pay that much.

Then, a relative with an iPad decided to give their's up, for $250, so I quick snapped it up.

So I am the proud owner of a 1st generation iPad, with Wi-Fi. I am looking at my iPad like it is both a giant iPod, and a mini MacBook.

It is one of the best purchases I have made!

Exhuming cemeteries, one grave at a time.

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