
Pretty Cool Glasses!

Saturday, 7 May 2011


Do you ever wonder why? Not anything, just why?

Or what? Do you ever wonder what? I do. For both questions.

As humans, we feel a constant urge to know everything. In one of my more philosophical moments, I coined, "Yes, we have questions, but do we really have to know everything?". I"ll bet you would either agree or not with me (I like to keep my options open!).

But why do we have to know everything? (There's that "why" question again!).

Because we want to be rulers of the universe. We want everything to be at our beck and call. If we are rulers of the universe, nothing can hide from us. Secrets hidden from a ruler are it's worst nightmare.

Everything we have invented, has been invented to make us more and more rulers of the universe. To make us closer to the gods. Again, everything at our beck and call, just machines to do our will.

Or maybe, we are getting dumber and dumber, because we have all these inventions, originally made to make us feel more and more rulers of the universe, are doing all our work for us.

Machines are only as smart as the people who invent them. But, have you ever wondered how a plane can fly itself with only auto-pilot? Or how a whole radio station can run without a human being in sight? The list goes on and on. Our technology is now so advanced, that one of the reasons, I think, we invent is to one-up the next guy.

Others might say that we invent to make the world a better place. But, as much as I like this iPad that I am writing on right now, and the cell phone that is right beside me, deep down, we invent so we can be closer to God, not in a good thing, but it is a sin to consider yourself on the same level as God.

Now, you could have a problem with all that I have said so far, and I invite you to let me know.

I hope my philosophical ravings don't turn you off from my blog. I invite you to comment on these rants.


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