I was talking with my mother's friend the other day, when she suddenly brought up the topic of my blog, and my most recent post.
She said "So, can you show me that bruise you got on Sunday?". I, of course, had no idea what she was talking about.
"What bruise??????" I asked.
"You know, the one you got when you were so drunk you couldn't remember where you got it!".
"Ummmmm, I don't have a bruise with a story like that.". I was now totally lost.
"Yes you do, you said so on your blog!!". Now it was all coming clear, or at least clearer that before. My last post (read "Living In The World, But Not Of It").
"Ohhhhhhh!!! My last post! In that post, I described what I don't do, because that's not what I want to portray to the world, in who I am.".
"Well, you should have been clearer, I thought that's the kind of person you were! I thought I had read you totally wrong! I thought your family was very free!".
Thus I am here to let you know, that while my last post might have given you the impression that I get heavily drunk, often, and get bruises, I do not. In fact, my bruises and the occasional drink are never linked.
I apologize for any confusion this might have caused you, or any misleading ideas! I had the biggest laugh over it, but really, it isn't that funny. I'll try to keep a straight face.
It's not working.
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