
Pretty Cool Glasses!

Sunday, 20 May 2012


Grace is something you can never get, but only be given.  There's no way to earn it, or deserve it, or bring it about any more than you can deserve the taste of raspberries and cream or earn good looks, or ring about your own birth. A crucial eccentricity of the Christian faith is the assertion that people are saved by grace.  There's nothing YOU have to do.  There's nothing you HAVE to do.  There's nothing you have to DO. There's only one catch.  Like any other gift, the gift of grace can be yours only if you'll reach out and take it. Maybe, being able to reach out and take it is a gift too. -Frederick Buechner, 1973 -Sarah Elizabeth Things to think about.....

Wednesday, 29 February 2012

A Correction

I was talking with my mother's friend the other day, when she suddenly brought up the topic of my blog, and my most recent post.

She said "So, can you show me that bruise you got on Sunday?". I, of course, had no idea what she was talking about.

"What bruise??????" I asked.

"You know, the one you got when you were so drunk you couldn't remember where you got it!".

"Ummmmm, I don't have a bruise with a story like that.". I was now totally lost.

"Yes you do, you said so on your blog!!". Now it was all coming clear, or at least clearer that before. My last post (read "Living In The World, But Not Of It").

"Ohhhhhhh!!! My last post! In that post, I described what I don't do, because that's not what I want to portray to the world, in who I am.".

"Well, you should have been clearer, I thought that's the kind of person you were! I thought I had read you totally wrong! I thought your family was very free!".

Thus I am here to let you know, that while my last post might have given you the impression that I get heavily drunk, often, and get bruises, I do not. In fact, my bruises and the occasional drink are never linked.

I apologize for any confusion this might have caused you, or any misleading ideas! I had the biggest laugh over it, but really, it isn't that funny. I'll try to keep a straight face.

It's not working.

Sunday, 26 February 2012

Living in the World, But Not of It

A friend recently asked me the question: "For you, what does living in the world, but not of it, look like?". I have always been ready with an answer to her many questions, but this one stumped me.

I automatically knew that I would not be able to answer this question fast. I also could not answer this question directly.

For me, I don't know what living in the world but not of it looks like, because my view of my life differs when I look at myself when I am with different groups of friends.

When I am with my church friends, I feel very sheltered and unknowledgable of the world.

When I am with my home-schooled friends (of which I am one), I feel very worldly and knowledgeable.

Who am I?

When I am with my non-Christian friends at the barn or at work, I don't tell about how I woke up on Monday with a bruise the size of a softball on my hip and how I don't remember how I got it, because I was so drunk. I also don't swear a lot, gossip, or lie about other people.

Being different is what I strive to be. I don't want to lead an attractive life, for people to be attracted towards, I just want to lead a life that people look towards for guidance.

Leading a life like that means being transparent. Being transparent means not wondering what people want and trying to conform to their idea. It means doing what I know is right, without trying to figure out what other people think or want.

The hardest part of being different is trying to be the same person wherever you are. It means a consistency in truth.

That is what my life looks like as I try to live in the world, but not of it. I have no direct, complete answer for my friend's question, all I have is evidence of how I live my life. I think living my life to set an example to others is the most direct and complete way of answering the question: What does living in the world but not of it, look like?


Friday, 24 February 2012

Carling Fingerless Mittens

Carling Fingerless Mittens

An original design by Sarah Murley of Maple Leaf Rag(s)

These fingerless mittens are knit top-down, from one ball of yarn. The Eye of Partridge stitches on the palm gives a nice, cushy grip, and the way the digit cover stretches farther than the palm gives your fingers more mobility, for things like holding a cup of hot chocolate, or texting!

I recommend knitting these fingerless mittens at the same time from both ends of the yarn, either on the same needle: like two-at-a-time-socks, or on separate needles, but keeping track of how far you are on each, as it isn't always nice to have a matching elbow warmer and palm warmer.

As said before, this pattern can be worked with the two-at-a-time method. If this is something you know how to do, go ahead and cast on two-at-a-time. If this is not something in your repertoire, don't worry, follow the pattern as-is.

Before You Start Your Carling Fingerless Mittens:

Small: approx. 15cm circumference
Medium: approx. 18cm circumference
Large: approx. 24cm circumference

Yarn- 1 ball of “Amazing” by Lion Brand Yarn, shown in “Mesa” or any 147yds of Aran weight yarn
Needles- Set of 4 dpn in sizes 4mm (CAD 8- US 6) and 3.25mm (CAD 10- US 3)
2 stitch markers, can be made from the scrap yarn
A tapestry needle to weave in ends.
Gauge- 16sts and 24rows = 4inches (10cm) in Stockinette stitch

Knitting lingo:
CO- Cast on
Sts- Stitches
K- Knit
P- Purl
S- Slip
M1- Make 1 (knit into front and back of same stitch)

Notes before you begin:
-The stars (*) show that you are to repeat in between them for the amount of times given.
-When casting on for the thumb hole, make it nice and loose.

Larger and Smaller Sizes:

The mittens shown in the picture fit a 19cm in circumference around the palm just above the thumb (size medium). As mittens can be worked in 3 sizes, details for each size are shown in 3 different colours for ease in knitting: (small, medium and large).

*Ex. k20 (30, 40)

Caring for your beautiful mittens:

Most yarn, specifically fluffy yarn, or natural fibres, will pill, which means that you will get tiny balls of felted fiber stuck to your finished item. This is caused by the item continuously brushing up against something, like your pocket, or just by age. You can prevent this by giving them a rest once in a while, and a wash.

Wash them gently, by hand, in warm water, and a bit of clothes detergent, or Eucalan (a wool wash). Lay them flat to dry, don't put them in the dryer.

Right mitten:

CO 28 (34, 40), with the 4mm needles, join into a circle, making sure the stitches aren't twisted. Place the marker at the beginning of the round, and slip the markers whenever you come to one.

Rnd 1: * k2, p2 *, repeat from * to * 3x (4x, 5x), k2, place 2nd marker, * K1, S1 as if to knit *, repeat from * to * 7x (8x, 9x)
Rnd 2: * k2, p2 * 3x (4x, 5x), k2, slip marker, k14 (k16, k18)
Rnd 3: * k2, p2 * 3x (4x, 5x), k2, *s1, k1 * 7x (8x, 9x)
Rnd 4: * k2, p2 * 3x (4x, 5x), k2, * k14 (k16, k18)
Repeat Rnds 1- 4 5x, then knit Rnd 1 once more.

Begin Increases:

Rnd 1: * k2, p2 * 3x (4x, 5x), k2, k12 (k14, k16), m1 into the next 2sts. You now have 16sts18sts - 20sts between last 2 markers.
Rnd 2: * k2, p2 * 3x (4x, 5x), k2, * s1, k1 * 8x (9x, 10x)
Rnd 3: * k2, p2 * 3x (4x, 5x), k2, k12 (k14, k16), * m1, k1 * 2x. You now have 18sts (20sts, 22sts) between the last 2 markers
Rnd 4: * k2, p2 * 3x (4x, 5x), k2, * k1, s1 * 9x (10x, 11x)
Rnd 5: * k2, p2 * 3x (4x, 5x), k2, k15 (k17, k19), place a st marker CO 10sts (12sts, 14sts), continue on past the newly CO sts and k3 before the marker. Divide the new stitches onto each adjoining needle, this makes it easier to decrease later.
Rnd 6: * k2, p2 * 3x (4x, 5x), k2, *s1, k1 * 10x (12x, 12x), * k2, p2 * 2x (2x, 3x)
Rnd 7: * k2, p2 * 3x (4x, 5x), k2, k20 (k24, k24), * k2, p2 * 2x (2x, 3x)
Rnd 8: * k2, p2 * 3x (4x, 5x), k2, * k1, s1 * 10x (12x, 12x), *k2, p2 * 2x (2x, 3x)
Rnd 9: * k2, p2 * 3x (4x, 5x), k2, k20 (k24, k24), *k2, p2 * 2x (2x, 3x)
Rnd 10: Knit as Row 6
Rnd 11: Knit as Row 7
Rnd 12: Knit as Row 8

Begin Decreases:

Rnd 13: * k2, p2 * 3x (4x, 5x), k2, k14 (k18, k18), k2tog, k6, {small- p2, k2tog, p2} – {medium p2, k2tog, p2}- {large p2, k2, p2, k2tog, p2}
Rnd 14: * k2, p2 * 3x (4x, 5x), k2, * s1, k1 * 7x (9x, 9x), k2tog, s1, k1, s1, {small- k2} - {medium- k2 - {large- k2, p2, k2), p1, k2tog, p2
Rnd 15: * k2, p2 * 3x (4x, 5x), k2, k14 (k18 - k18), k2tog, k4, {large- p2, k2}, k2tog, p2
Rnd 16: * k2, p2 * 3x (4x, 5x), k2, * k1, s1 * 7x (9x - 9x), k2tog, k1, s1, {large- k1, p2, k1}, k2tog, p2
Rnd 17: * k2, p2 * 3x (4x, 5x), k2, k14 (k18 - k18), k2tog 2x, p2, {large- k2, p2}
Rnd 18: * k2, p2 * 3x (4x, 5x), k2, *s1, k1 * 7x (9x - 9x), k2, p2, {large- k2, p2}
Rnd 19: * k2, p2 * 3x (4x, 5x), k2, k14 (k18 - k18), k2, p2, {large- k2, p2}
Rnd 20: * k2, p2 * 3x (4x, 5x), k2, * k1, s1 * 7x (9x - 9x), k2, p2, {large- k2, p2}
Rnd 21, 23, 25, 27, 29, 31: Knit as Row 19
Rnd 22, 26, 30: Work as Row 18
Rnd 24 and 28: Work as Row 20

If you want to lengthen the eye-of-partridge palm-grip so it is longer, now is your time to do it. Knit the R19 – R18 – R19 – R20 pattern starting with a R20, you may end on any row you choose.


Change to 3.25mm needles. Cuff is the same for both mittens, per size.

Row 1: * k2, p2 * 8x (10x - 11x)
Row 2: As Row 1

Repeat these rounds until you have the desired length for the cuff. Remember that you still need yarn for the thumbs, and the other cuff, if you aren't doing the mittens at the same time.

Bind off:

Bind off loosely “in pattern”. This you will do by knitting the 1st two stitches as usual in the cuff pattern, jumping the 1st one over the 2nd and off the needle. Purl the next stitch, and jump the knit stitch over the purl stitch, off the needle. Continue like this, knitting/purling the next stitch, and jumping the one before it off the needle.

Right thumb:

Pick up 12sts (14sts - 16sts) evenly around thumb hole with the 4mm needles, following where the stitching falls. Place marker to indicate beginning of round.

Rnd 1: {small- k2, p2, k2, * s1, k1 * 3x}- {medium k2, p2, k2, * s1, k1 * 4x}– {large- * k2, p2 * 2x, * s1, k1 * 4x }
Rnd 2:{small- k2, p2, k2, k6}- {medium- k2, p2, k2, k8}- {large- * k2, p2 * 2x, k8}
Rnd 3:{small- k2, p2, k2, * k1, s1 * 3x}- {medium- k2, p2, k2, * k1, s1 * 4x} - {large- * *k2, p2 * 2x, *k1, s1 * 4x}
Rnd 4: As Row 2
Rnd 5: As Row 1
Rnd 6: As Row 2
Rnd 7: As Row 3
Rnd 8: As Row 2
Rnd 9: As Row 1
Rnd 10: As Row 2

Bind off in pattern, and weave in ends. Wear and enjoy!

Left Mitten:

Work exactly as the right mitten, ending just before the increases, with a * k1, s1 * row.

Start increases:

Rnd 1: * k2, p2 * 3x (4x, 5x), k2, m1 2x, k12 (k14 - k16). You know have 16sts (18sts - 20sts) between the markers.
Rnd 2: * k2, p2 * 3x (4x, 5x), k2, * s1, k1 * 8x (9x - 10x)
Rnd 3: * k2, p2 * 3x (4x, 5x), k2, * k1, m1 * 2x, k12 (k14 - k16). You now have 18sts (20sts22sts) before the markers.
Rnd 4: * k2, p2 * 3x (4x, 5x) k2, * k1, s1 * 9x (10x - 11x)
Rnd 5: * k2, p2 * 3x (4x, 5x), k2, k3, CO 10sts (12sts - 14sts), k15 (k17 - k19)
Rnd 6: * k2, p2 * 3x (4x, 5x), k2, * p2, k2 * 2x (2x - 3x), * s1, k1 * 10x (12x - 12x)
Rnd 7: * k2, p2 * 3x (4x, 5x), k2, * p2, k2 * 2x (2x - 3x), k20 (k24 - k24)
Rnd 8: * k2, p2 * 3x (4x, 5x), k2, * p2, k2 * 2x (2x - 3x), * k1, s1 * 10x (12x12x)
Rnd 9: * k2, p2 * 3x (4x, 5x), k2, * p2, k2 * 2x (2x - 3x), k20 (k24 - k24)
Rnd 10: Knit as Row 6
Rnd 11: Knit as Row 7
Rnd 12: Knit as Row 8

Begin Decreases:

Rnd 13: * k2, p2 * 3x (4x, 5x), k2, {small- p2, k2tog, p2} {medium- p2, k2tog, p2}– {large- p2, k2tog, p2, k2, p2}, k6, k2tog, k14 (k18 - k18)
Rnd 14: * k2, p2 * 3x (4x, 5x), k2, p2, k2tog, p1, {small k2}, {medium- k2}– {large- k2, p2, k2} s1, k1, s1, k2tog, * s1, k1 * 7x (9x - 9x)
Rnd 15: * k2, p2 * 3x (4x, 5x), k2, p2, k2tog, k4, k2tog, k14 (k18 - k18)
Rnd 16: * k2, p2 * 3x (4x, 5x), k2, p2, k2tog, s1, k1, k2tog, * k1, s1 * 7x (9x - 9x)
Rnd 17: * k2, p2 * 3x (4x, 5x), k2, p2, k2tog 2x, k14 (k18 - k18)
Rnd 18: * k2, p2 * 3x (4x, 5x), k2, p2, k2, *s1, k1 * 7x (9x - 9x)
Rnd 19: * k2, p2 * 3x (4x, 5x), k2, p2, k2, k14 (k18 - k18)
Rnd 20: * k2, p2 * 3x (4x, 5x), k2, p2, k2, * k1, s1 * 7x (9x - 9x)
Rnd 21, 23, 25, 27, 29, 31: Knit as Row 19
Rnd 22, 26, 30: Work as Row 18
Rnd 24 and 28: Work as Row 20

If you want to lengthen the eye-of-partridge palm-grip so it is longer, now is your time to do it. Knit the R19 – R18 – R19 – R20 pattern starting with a R20, you may end on any row you choose.


Change to 3.25mm needles. Cuff is the same for both mittens, per size.

Rnd 1: * k2, p2 * 8x (10x - 11x)
Rnd 2: As Row 1

Repeat these rows until you have the desired length for the cuff, keeping in mind that you still need yarn for the thumbs, and the other cuff, if you aren't doing the mittens at the same time.

Bind off:

Bind off loosely “in pattern”. This you will do by knitting the 1st two stitches as usual in the cuff pattern, jumping the 1st one over the 2nd and off the needle. Purl the next stitch, and jump the knit stitch over the purl stitch, off the needle. Continue like this, knitting/purling the next stitch, and jumping the one before it off the needle.

Left thumb:

Pick up 12sts (14sts - 16sts) evenly around thumb hole with the 4mm needles, following where the stitching falls. Place marker to indicate beginning of round.

Rnd 1: {small- * s1, k1 * 3x, k2, p2, k2}- {medium- * s1, k1 * 4x, k2, p2, k2}- {large- * s1, k1 * 4x, * k2, p2 * 4x}
Rnd 2: {small-k6, k2, p2, k2} - {medium-k6, k2, p2, k2, p2} {large- k8, * k2, p2 * 8x}
Rnd 3: {small-* k1, s1 * 3x, k2, p2, k2} - {medium-* k1, s1 * 4x, k2, p2, k2} - {large- * k1, s1 * 4x, * k2, p2 * 4x}
Rnd 4: As Row 2
Rnd 5: As Row 1
Rnd 6: As Row 2
Rnd 7: As Row 3
Rnd 8: As Row 2
Rnd 9: As Row 1
Rnd 10: As Row 2

Bind off in pattern, and weave in ends. Wear and enjoy!

Copyright 2012, Sarah Murley of Maple Leaf Rag(s), All Rights Reserved
For pattern support or questions, contact Sarah Murley @
Please do not redistribute, reproduce or sell the pattern or finished object.

Thursday, 23 February 2012

Funniest YouTube

This is one of the funniest YouTube videos I.  Have.  Ever.  Seen. 

Part of you feels really sorry for the kid, but the other half thanks the mother for posting the video!


Monday, 20 February 2012

My Current Boyfriend's Name is Leonard

I have a lovely cat. That no one likes.

He is a beautiful cat, sleek black fur, no other colour than black in his coat, with gorgeous green eyes, and the daintiest paws. With the sharpest claws. He's horrible!

Unfortunately, he loves to use his claws, on other people's things. Luckily, he has never sharpened his claws on anything of mine, and if he has, it wasn't important, because I don't remember.

My sister has quite the aversion to this cat, Leonard, because since he came into this house, he has discovered both, in this particular order, that she does not like him, and which scratching post is the best (the leg of her bed).

He is not all malice though, he loves my Mum and Dad, especially since their bed is is comfier than mine, and to mix things up, if it isn't the bed, it is the back of the TV.

As I said before, he loves to use his claws, which was great until we found a blueprint for a site from my Dad's new job in shreds on the floor. And I mean shreds. Needless to say, he lost a life.

I was totally fine with all this (as fine as one can be under the circumstances), and totally repentant. I know it sounds weird that a animal's owner should be repentant of their pet's sins, but in our family, that's how it works. It is sort of a team effort.

Next, it was my Mum's knitting magazine. Colorful confetti lay strewn on the floor, adding to the gaiety that Leonard felt was needed to spice things up a bit. I am beginning to think he loves the sounds (maybe not of ripping paper, but of screaming humans?)

After the knitting magazine, there was a lull, where my father insisted that all the cat's claws be cut, or made blunt.

Like that was going to help!

Just recently, I got music from the Richmond Hill Philharmonic Orchestra as audition music for my entrance. Lovely gothic pieces, infused with 12-note tied notes, and shifting up to 8th position. I practiced them diligently until Leonard shredded the 2nd page for fun. I mean, if he was going to give me all that pain, he at least could have had a purpose.

He is down to 4 lives by now.  Or maybe it is less by now, it's kind of hard to keep track.


Sunday, 19 February 2012

MLSE Team Up Foundation Fund

Most of you may know this, others may not. On Monday afternoons, from 12.30pm - 6.45pm, I volunteer at CARD. CARD stands for "Community Association for Riding for the Disabled".

During my 6-1/4 hour block, I work with the riders, whose abilities range from mildly autistic, to having lost all control of their limbs in a car accident. I also walk the horses. When I walk the horses, my job is to control their speed, make sure they behave, and keep them calm. I also do a bit of work in the barn, turning the horses in and out of the paddocks, feeding them, and generally just hanging around.

This month, February, I was voted Volunteer of the Month. I have volunteered at CARD for 5 years. That is a long time to be working at one place. Sometimes the days feel really long, and other days they are surprisingly short.

Also this month, CARD has been participating in the MLSE Team Up Foundation Fund. The basic idea is that everyday, participants vote for their favorite charity to win the $50,000 grant. CARD's plan is to renovate their washroom facilities, to include a family washroom as well as to renovate their existing male and female washrooms.

My family has been voting for the past week, but even thought we are a big family, CARD needs all the help we can get! CARD is in 26th place right now. Tomorrow at 12pm, the voting closes. Before then, we need to get into the Top 20. After that, it is up to the judges to nominate the next winner(s).

You all can do me a huge favor and vote for CARD on the MLSE website here. It is very easy, and I know it would mean a lot to the staff at CARD. The Community Association for Riding for the Disabled (CARD) thumb nail and toggle is in the "View the Contestants" gallery, about the 2nd or 3rd row from the bottom.

I know it might feel awkward voting for something you had no idea about before today, but CARD would really benefit from your vote, and in a way, so would I and all the other volunteers.

Please let your friends know about this, and send the link to them. Please also let them know where the CARD toggle is, and that the voting ends at 12pm tomorrow, Monday, Feb. 20th.

For you who missed it, here is the link again:

I'm excited to see what tomorrow's tally shows! Thank you, all!


Wednesday, 15 February 2012

Viral YouTube

Here is one of the latest YouTube videos that went viral. Take a look:

One thought. How can you think that your father, who is in IT, won't be able to unblock the stuff you keep hidden on your computer? You would think that most people are smarter than that.

She is obviously not part of the "smarter" group.

Plus (and this is purely hypothetical), if I had written something degrading about anyone, anywhere, (which I haven't), I would not just give them my computer.

As of right now, I am not rooting for either side, but I do admit that shooting a laptop with a gun looks pretty fun.

Those hollow-point bullets are going to be a doozy to take out. Have fun salvaging your new software!

Remember, mud spelled backwards is dum.

Tuesday, 14 February 2012

St. Valentines Day

There are two sides to Valentines day.

1. You are either married, or one side of a couple, and wax poetical about, "Every day should be Valentines Day between me and my (insert one)."

2. Or, you are single, and end up finishing up all the chocolates and candies your in-a-relationship friends give you because "I couldn't possibly finish all of them", or "I refuse to take part in something that I can celebrate everyday with my (insert one)".

In regards to the the last point, why do they think you can finish all their chocolates and candy if they can't? Do they believe that because you are single, and they aren't, you are more lenient towards your girth measurement after Valentines Day?

That only works if they are the only ones handing their chocolates and candies off to you after the big day. Unfortunately, there are typically more couples than singles.

But, if you are single, there is an advantage. You get your friends second-hand chocolates free, whereas you could have spent money for new chocolate tomorrow. Who wants to do that?

I can see the placards in the grocery stores on Feb. 15th, "Support orphaned chocolate! Buy us!".

What do you do on Feb. 14?  Tonight, I will go to work. None of this schmaltzy "buy myself a bouquet of roses and have a friend drop them off and ring the door bell or give myself a candle-lit bath strewn with rosebuds".

Right now, in my current state, I don't have to dress up for a long night out, smile the whole night, or entertain. I just have to earn money.

Fair trade? I think so, for now.

Happy Valentines Day!

P.S. If it's for lovers, why the heck is it during the winter????

Monday, 13 February 2012

That's a Children's Song?????

At the barn where I work, the arena has a PA and stereo system. Sometimes, we play CDs on it for the kids as they ride. The favorite CD is called "Greatest Classic Kids Songs", or something like that. The content list includes songs like "John Jacob Jingleheimer Schmit", "There's a Hole in My Bucket, Liza", "Where You Ever In Quebec" and classics along those lines. However, today, while listening to the CD, I heard the lines (not very clearly though, it's a huge arena), "You better kiss me or get out and swim.....". This is a children's song?!


I Googled it (I'm a Googler!!), and it is an actual song:

"Just a boy and a girl in a little canoe with the moon shining all around
He pushed his paddle so, you could hardly hear a sound!
And they talked and they talked, till the moon went in and he said
"You better kiss or get out and swim!"
So what do you do in a little canoe with the moon shining all around
Just a boy and a girl in a little canoe with the moon shining all around
He pushed his paddle so, you could hardly hear a sound!
And they talked and they talked till the moon went in and he said
"You better kiss me or get out and swim!"
So what do you do in a little canoe with the moon shining all a boats floatin' all a girls swimming all around!"

This a real honest to goodness children's song!

Another one I have known about longer is the Noah's Ark song. We all have sung it once or twice, preferably in Sunday School:

Abridged version:

3. The animals, they came on
they came on by twosies twosies
Animals, they came on
they came on by twosies twosies
Elephants and (clap)
kangaroozies roozies
Children of the Lord.

The animals they came off
They came off by threesies threesies
Animals they came off
They came off by three-sies threesies
Must have been those birds and beezies,
Children of the Lord

I had only been singing that for 14 years of my life before figuring out that I and been singing about the human reproductive system in church.

On another note, I am pretty sure (it's my hypothesis) that song writers try to brainwash children while they sing their songs. Hence the "Rueben and Rachel" song below.

"Reuben, Reuben, I've been thinking
What a fine world this would be
If the men were all transported
Far beyond the northern sea.

Oh, my goodness, gracious, Rachel,
What a strange world this would be
If the men were all transported
Far beyond the northern sea.

Reuben, Reuben, I've been thinking
What a great life girls would lead
If they had no men about them
None to tease them, none to heed.

Rachel, Rachel, I've been thinking
Life would be so easy then
What a lovely world this would be
If you'd leave it to the men.

Reuben, Reuben, stop your teasing
If you've any love for me
I was only just a-fooling
As I thought, of course, you'd see.

Rachel, if you'll not transport us
I will take you for my wife
And I'll split with you my money
Every pay day of my life!"

All I can say is that whoever wrote this (and it must have been a female) must have been really bitter about something that happened to her, concerning the opposite gender. Or PMSing while she wrote the song. It happens!

You better kiss me or get out and swim!

Sunday, 29 January 2012

Just an Average Fishing Trip- Part 1

Good evening folks, this is the start of my posts having to do with Diane, her summers at the cottage and her family, Father, Mum, Farley and Beth, and their dog, Toby.

I am hesitant to say that any coincidence or likeness of these characters is highly fictional, and made up, but I honestly can't. These stories are based on my summers at the cottage, and of the adventures my family has had there. Later, the stories will spill over to winter at the cottage, and even other seasons at home, instead of the cottage.

"One Saturday, Beth came home from Camp Living Water for her day off. With her, she brought Joe, her newly acquired boyfriend. He was, I'm inclined to think, the reason she stayed for 7 weeks at camp, instead of the original 4. He was extremely nice to Farl and I, and we prided ourselves in tilling Beth into such a presentable and desirable young lady. Joe was also an extremely excellant angler and, as a gift to Father and Mum, he brought a 6lb. bass, which he had caught, gutted and froze all by himself.

Farl had a hard rime controlling himself at the sight of this gorgeously large fish, so Joe, seeing Farl's bug eyes and jealousy, kindly offered to take him out that evening to see what he could teach Farl. Me, not to be reminded that Farl was a boy, and I was not, asked to go along too. beth, not to be left lone, without Joe, on that precious day off, said she would go along too.

Meanwhile, during the course of the afternoon, Joe and Farl spent time animating the fish, of which Joe had left the tail and head on, for added effect. Between the two of them, they ma the dead fish swim through the air, dance, and sing "Another One Bites the Dust". then they put it in the freezer, just so that when you opened the door, the head popped out with the eyes hanging out. It must be admitted that this was a startling find, especially when a flashlight is used during the night on the quest for an ice pack........

Back to our fishing trip. Just after dinner, we set out in the rowboat, the four of us, fishing rods a piece, a tackle box and a container of leeches. We spent the 20 minute row there (rowing because Joe said the motor would scare the fish), being instructed about proper equipment care, while Farl drank it all in. Farl seemed to think that even a well painted reel cover would help him catch bigger fish. We anchored off of the "No Fires" cliff, and proceeded to set up.

Each of us got a leech on our hooks, even thought Joe ended up putting each one on, and Joe started to teach us all his favorite techniques. We had gotten uneventfully past trolling and leaving the line, when Joe announced that he would teach us casting. Immediately I felt unsafe.".

To be continued next post! The story is a bit long to be told all at once, so stay tuned!


Thursday, 26 January 2012

Coming Up!

Hi all,

This isn't a long post, but that's the way it is today.

I am writing to let you know of an upcoming series of posts that I will be publishing, a collection of stories that I have written. The series is called, "My Summers at the Cottage", for lack of a better name.

That's all I'm going to tell you about them, except that I have had people rolling on the floor, for what reason I'm going to omit. : )

If you like them, which you probably don't yet (but you will!), tell your friends!

Artist impersonation

Saturday, 21 January 2012

The Help

Last weekend I watched a movie call "The Help". Maybe you've heard of it, maybe you haven't. It looks like a chick-flick, but it isn't. All the characters, with the exception of 3 are female (and the cast is pretty large), but it isn't a chick-flick, whatever anyone tells you. For anyone who hasn't seen it, without giving away any integral detail, the movie is about racial prejudice in the south during about the 1950's, and a woman who writes a book about how the black help (servants) in the white houses are treated.

The movie is emotional (I cried), funny (I laughed) and thought provoking (I thought about it afterwards). For me, my thought was, is this how we treat other people, either intentional or not intentional?

There is language, which might be considered offensive by some, but I thought it all added to the humor.

All in all, it was a very interesting movie, and I'm glad I watched it. It was a toss-up between "Green Lantern" and "The Help". I did watch "Green Lantern" before "The Help", because "GL" was my first choice, but I was highly, highly, highly disappointed by it. I thought they probably spent more money on special effects than they did on the script and and the acting coaches.

Unscrupulous criticism given at no expense (to me).

Saturday, 14 January 2012

Keep Calm and Carry On

I was recently reading through one of those kitchy gift magazines (you know, the ones that come out right before Christmas, and advertise "A gift for even the one who has a hairbrush!" or something like that), when I came across a t-shirt with a slogan on it.

The slogan was, "E=Fb: The Musical Theory of Relativity". A word to the wise, you will only get this, if you understand music. I think that is beautiful.

I think T-shirt slogans are both a great way to advertise and a great conversation starter.

I owned a T-shirt that said "Vote For Jesus". A pun on the Napoleon Dynamite slogan "Vote For Pedro". I loved the shirt, it was a great conversation starter, especially at Youth group. The only thing I hated was that it really looked like I was shoving "Jesus! In your face!". I gave it away finally because I hate it when Christians act like that.

I also love it when T-shirts advertise. This summer, my sister attended the Oakville Suzuki School Summer Institute. Their slogan was "Why worry? We've got your Bach.". (Again, only understandable if you understand music.

If you guys see some cool and/or interesting T-shirt slogans, I'd love to see them. You can always post things in my comment section!

"If you can read this, you are too close"

Thursday, 12 January 2012


I have another confession to make. I am a yarn junkie.

It's out in the open now. You all are my accountability partners.

I have another confession to make. Between November and December, I spent $121.86 on yarn alone. No needles, no stitch markers, no scissors, just yarn. Sad, eh? Not!

I have to admit, I love to bask in my yarn collection, full of wool, merino and silk. The feel of a solid pound of yarn, the glory! That's a lot of yarn!

The easiest way to build up a yarn junkies stash is to not use any of it. Then what do you do with the $121.86 I just spent on yarn in the last 2 months?

You do stuff with it, just don't knit it. Heaven forbid that you should use it in handiwork!

Besides, that much yarn is good insulation! Think of all the heating bills you could save! The possibilities!

It is also a low-cal rival for chocolate. You just have to look at all those colours and fibres, and your appetite just goes right out of you. For food, that is. In fact, your appetite for yarn just might increase if you frequently look at your yarn to decrease your chocolate temptations.

Knitters should come with a built-in "WARNING!" sign.

Yarn junkies also have a dialect all to their own, spoken mostly in grunts and whistles. Walk into any yarn store during a sale and you will hear the unmistakeable grunts and little screams and shouts of the excited yarn junkie. Remember, they're high on yarn, be kind to them.

I should stop, this is turning out to be a bird-watching trip for yarn junkies. As Danny Bhoy says, "Aw, what will they look like, Danny? Will they come by boat?". YouTube that.

I'll let you know how my yarn stash goes, keep me in your prayers, this is my university tuition I'm using here, folks! Just joking! Kind of.

KA- Full-time yarn junkie

Wednesday, 11 January 2012

The Ultimate Canadian Death Trap Winner

Hi all!

One of my followers sent me this picture, with the comment: "UCDT winner!".   I think this guy receives at least an honorable mention for managing to be mostly still on top of the ice!

Crashing through the ice of normal to sub-normal

Monday, 9 January 2012

The Bird in the Tree

Sorry about the no posts, I'v been busy with a new knitting pattern the last week, so I haven't had much time to blog. For those of you wondering, it will be published here, on my blog, and on Ravelry before the end of February.

Anyways, back to the reason I am writing this post. Yesterday, my mother and I went to a church service my grandmother (a chaplain) gives at a retirement home. My mother typically plays piano to accompany the hymns. I sat beside her, with my back to the birdcage. The birdcage holds a non-descript budgie, in blue.

The interesting thing about this whole story, is that every time the piano started making noise and the people singing, the budgie, who is normally quiet (I don't think I have heard him speak two cheeps in a row), he would start to do his own version of the hymn, mostly in squawks and cheeps. The high pitch kind. You might think that is cute, but you weren't the one sitting right in front of the cage with a bird squeaking into supersonic! (that was a reference to Johnny English just there!)

This was terribly annoying me, so I started to throw dirty looks over my shoulder at the bird, who of course payed no attention. The weird part was that nobody else was noticing the bird.

Then it occurred to me to notice when the bird was making noise, if there was a pattern. There was. Every time we made noise, he made noise. Mostly, when we were making noise was when we were singing.

Thus, it is my opinion that the budgie was doing his own kind of praising God. Unfortunately it was the annoying kind.

I think after a while he got bored with our kind of singing, and so he started to break the mold. Every so often, he would inject a momentous squawk, quite unlike the others. Turning around to look, I saw a mirror that hung from the bars above him. Every so often, it swung around to him, and he seeing himself in the mirror, would give the tremendous squawk, which I'm guessing was something like, "Hah! I caught you!".

Again, the weird part was that nobody was noticing it but me. And my grandmother. I think she had a mental complex trying to figure out where the noises were coming from.

The bird woman

P.S. My mum just saw a Menonite family at Value Village, where the boy, probably 19, was very interested in a book the Harlequin Romance section. Weird?

Monday, 2 January 2012

The Ultimate Canadian Death Trap

Have you ever thought about what the Ultimate Canadian Death Trap would be? I mean, we have rush hour, but the States has that. We have mosquitos, but Egypt has those. We have HST, but I think the Americans have something like that too.

Some people might think our death trap would be The Real Canadian Superstore, or Parliament Hill on Canada Day, or the highways on the May 24 weekend, or the candy section in the Bulk Barn before Christmas.

I think the Ultimate Canadian Death Trap would have to be snow on top of ice. You know, that thin layer of beautiful powder snow on top of death-slick ice. Yup, the same stuff you get on the on-ramp for the highway. The same stuff that is on the hill with the 18-wheeler careening down the hill towards you.

I think this should be a national contest, the Ultimate Canadian Death Trap.

The UCDT Supreme Judge