
Pretty Cool Glasses!

Wednesday 9 November 2011

Won't go in need

Hey, sorry for my long silence. Who knew life was going to be so busy?!

Anyways, you might say, "Sarah! What's new in life?" and I would reply, "I can't sleep on my bed because there is toilet paper on it.".

Obviously, you want to know what I mean by that, I heard all your "What's?", "Uhhhs....." and "Say what's?"

Long story short, I have one year's worth of toilet paper on my bed. That is 184 double rolls. That is also a lot of toilet paper. For my family, one double roll lasts 2 days.

I have actually never seen so much toilet paper together in one place, I was introduced to half of it when my dad came to pick me and my 2 siblings up from the barn. As we were walking to the car, which holds 4 tightly, he said, "Oh yeah, I picked up some toilet paper for the house.".

We thought nothing of it, until we looked inside, and there was nowhere for us to sit. We managed to squeeze underneath 2 large boxes of it, whereupon our dad, with an enormous grin on his face, said, "And there's more in the trunk!". Out came 1 and a half more boxes.

I was squeezed in shotgun with a huge box of toilet paper on my lap shoved between my stomach and the dashboard. One of the only things that went through my head was how I would die of embarasssment if anyone I knew saw me with a quarter of a years worth of toilet paper on my lap.

That and if the airbag went off, I would be suffocated.

Why? Because my dad was able to get a year's worth of toilet paper for less than what most people pay for cable TV in a month.

Toilet paper in bulk. Costco, eat your heart out!

Never have to use the Sears catologue.

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