
Pretty Cool Glasses!

Tuesday, 1 March 2011

Violin and the Beatles

I just broke my own pledge to write every day.  Yesterday, things just piled up at the end.  When I got home from the stable at 7pm, I still had to eat dinner, practice violin (for min. 1 1/2hours), work on theory for violin, edit a video my sister and I are working on (more on that later), and freak out about band practice tonight.  Now, mind you, I have no right to freak out about band practice, it's just that I am the only violin on the team, so I really need to make an entrance, and to do that, I need to pre-practice, and for that, I need stuff to practice.  As of now, there is no set list.  I am freaking out.  (no not really, but it makes you guys pity me more!)

The idea of a violin on the worship band at church has set some people off kilter.  What I mean is, rock-violin is not that well known, so people are wary of it.  To be honest, I don't really know very much about it.  We are all learning together.  As it turns out, rock/modern-violin can be very interesting.   Here is Paul Dateh, a hip-hop artist, playing a mash-up.  Oh so cool! 

Or consider the Beatles!  Everybody thinks, "Beatles!  Intense harmonies, intense vocal dynamics, etc."  What I'll bet what you never thought about was their backing groups.  Right?  One of my favourite songs by them is "Eleanor Rigby".  My goal is to be able to play the strings section from that song, without sheet music.  I place my goals high.

The Trans-Siberian Orchestra is a rock group that works with operas and classical pieces.  Beethoven plugged in!

I am working on my own technique, it's a lot harder than it looks.  My violin teacher, who plays with Classic Albums Live (, gives me a lot of inspiration, but it's kind of for me to figure out.  So far, I play the drone part, or if there is a bassist lacking, I play a deep drone.  Interesting, isn't it!  I think riffs on the violin would be so cool, but just getting the guitarists to let go might be a problem!  I have some supporters though.  This could get messy!

"Sarah Rigby"?

1 comment:

  1. I'm don't really care for the Beatles... I've never actually listened to them :)
    But you should definitely check out this version of Eleanor Rigby:
