
Pretty Cool Glasses!

Saturday, 12 March 2011

I'm Proud

Here are some great photos my family has taken over the months:

January 2011, on the way back from camp.  I took this one myself.  It took several tries before I could get a good one.

Again, this is one that I took myself.  A window had been Jack-Frosted and it looked amazing! 

Here is another snow picture, that I took.  We were driving in the country, and there was a big barn, and antique vehicles underneath, that you could see from the road, but what struck me was the patterns in the snow.

I was at a Manafest concert, and I got this photo of Manafest.  Pretty neat, huh?  Florescent lights and everything! 

This is another photo from the same concert, I am un-biased between the two.  However, both have their qualities, this one is not foggy, and you can see a lot, but there is a head in front of the guitar.  The other photo is great, because there is nobody in it, except Manafest, and you can see lights going off all over the place, but there's something weird about it.

I have no idea who took this, but it's amazing! 

My sister took this one.  Here, a group of us towing our friend's steamboat, the "Constance".  Apparently, it was sinking the entire time.  Reassuring, isn't that?

Someone, I don't know who, took this photo.  This is our cottage in fall. 

This again is our cottage in fall.  Looks beautiful, and smells beautiful too.  I didn't take this photo.

Let me know which one(s) you like,

Ansel Adams, anyone?

1 comment:

  1. Great pics Sarah - I especially like the school bus in the rearview. Excellent shot!
    Loving the blog...
