
Pretty Cool Glasses!

Saturday, 5 March 2011

Skeldale House

As most of you know, I live quite at home here in the Toronto Zoo.  Or close to it.  My family's menagerie consists of 2 dogs, 4 cats, 1 guinea pig, 1 rabbit and 2 fish.  And may I add that this is considerably smaller than 2 years ago.  My sister had disposable Neon Tetra fish, she would get 5, they would die, she would get 5 more, they would die, she would get another 5, they would die, etc.  And it went on like this for a year!!  You would wake up in the morning, and walk into the kitchen and step on a fish that jumped out of the tank during the night.  It was so gross!  It was all hard and crunchy.  We ended up getting water snails to dispose of the remains when they died.  Those with weak constitutions may leave the blog now.

The rest of my pet life isn't so interesting as the fish. 

Here is a picture of my cat Leonard stalking the rabbit.

Leonard is about 6feet high in the picture, and unfazed.  Amazing cat, isn't he.  Here is a picture of his claws, at the same time.  You've heard of dangerous stalkers?  Here's one:

You can't really see how far his claws are out, but he is flexing those paws.  Makes me quiver just remembering!

Here are some more animals that live here in my house:

That's what Christmas break is for!  Sleeping and bubble baths!  The bathroom was an absolute mess to clean up.  There were bubbles everywhere!  You could have covered a dance floor with all the bubbles that were in the tub that day!!  On my next birthday............................

Cat Murley

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