
Pretty Cool Glasses!

Thursday, 3 March 2011

Just Life

Hey all(who are, I'm assuming, reading my blog),
Some of you were telling me of having a hard time commenting on this blog.  Well, I solved this, and you can now leave a comment, either from your account, or if you don't have an account from one of those numerous sources out there, you may leave a comment simply in your name, or anonymous.  Scary, eh?  So leave a comment that I know you've been here!

Now, on to more interesting subjects..........

You know you have a boring life when you say that interesting things are coming, and then you can't think of anything.

OK, I thought of something (there will be more tonight, after the Golden Gnome Awards, pictures, news, etc), here is a poem/writing that I wrote, probably about 6 years ago, on scrap paper.

It's kind of small, so I have also written it out for you to read.  How thoughtful I am!

The Train of Consciousness Has Left the Station

"I know you think I'm really weird,
 I'd like to run, I'm a'fierd,
That if I run, and not be tripped,
My legs and arms they shall be ripped."

"And if in running to and fro,
I, in the process catch a beau,
All my work is not in vain,
My beau and I will catch the train."

"I shot an arrow in the air,
It came down fast and struck a hare.
Around the hare it went,
The shaft, it's axis it almost bent.
The hare, he scolded, "This isn't......."

Pretty neat, eh?  Unfortunately, the 3rd (and maybe 4th and 5th as well) page was lost, so there isn't anything else after those 2 pages.  But it still is a masterpiece in itself, isn't it?  I was a child prodigy.


1 comment:

  1. This is a wonderful poem, and I am sad that the rest has disappeared. Have you written much other poetry? I am hopeless at it.

    Love, Julia
