
Pretty Cool Glasses!

Saturday 9 April 2011

A Toast to a Granddad

Today was my Granddad's 79th birthday.  The quote of the day is "A friend: How does it feel to be 29?  Granddad:  The same as it did at 29." 

One story that sums up his life at now 79, is the garbage dash.  On Wednesday (Garbage/Green bin/Recycling day), he noticed that all the other houses on our street had put garbage bags out, except ours.  So he decided to wait to see if it was really garbage day, because garbage day comes every other week for us.  Some how, he got sidetracked, and when he looked out his window, there was the garbage truck, making it's slow lumbering path away from our house.  So he picked up the tiny little grocery bag of garbage he had amassed, and began the 50-yard dash from our front door to the back of the garbage truck.  The 50-yard sprint is just that.  50 yards, run by a then 78 year old man, with a bag of garbage in his hand.  After the 50-yards had been run, he gave up, and discus threw the bag, which amazingly enough, landed in the back of the garbage truck.  With my luck, it would have hit the side, and slid down slowly to the pavement. 

Yes, folks, this is my Grandfather, and I should be proud.  This guy can run!  And he is a great cook!  So cheers for Granddad, who's taught me the best jokes, how to balance on my hands, and the facts of life, more specifically, about WWII, and the Avro Arrow.  Here's to a life well lived!


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