
Pretty Cool Glasses!

Wednesday 21 December 2011

So, in response to some replies on my last post, "TMI (Too Much Information!)!", I am writing this fully in jest, nothing has anything to do with myself, my family, my acquaintances, or my experiences.  OK, mostly not on my experiences. 

I just discovered a channel on YouTube called "What You Ought To Know".  One guy, lots of videos.  Some funny, some interesting, and some just didn't fulfill my expectations.

Here is one of their videos:

This is me.  Cheap!!! 

Actually, before I got my iPad, I leeched off of other people, wherever I was, to use their internet access.

But I would also like to point out something that he didn't point out, that the "Free WiFi Hotspot!" you find at random places is hardly ever just free.  You have to pay for your "Free WiFi!!" in the form of buying other things, like a meal, or a coffee.  Now that is cheap and cowardly!  Advertising "Free WiFi Hotspot!!" just to get people to buy your food, merch. or coffee! 

Ssssssssssss!  Hot!

1 comment:

  1. What do you mean "I've discovered???" I found it first, and showed it to you :P Hugs, Julia
