
Pretty Cool Glasses!

Monday 19 December 2011

Teaching Facts of Life

You know there are those awkward family moments? We are living one right now.

Back in July, we got our 4 month old puppy..... girl..... who is now 10months old. What happens at around 8 - 12 months with female dogs? Yup, she's in heat. The one thing most people don't know is that it is kind of like a female human's period. There is blood.

Our vet kindly informed us that the length of this could be anywhere between 10 days and 21 days. Calculated, that is about 4x as long as a female human's period. :(

The funny part about this is trying to explain this all to the boys (5, 11 and 13yrs). The oldest, is so embarrassed about the whole thing, he goes beet-red, and yells at anybody trying to talk about it to "Shut up!". The middle one is so exceedingly naive, to the extend that he hasn't figured out where the dog is bleeding from. The youngest is the most liberal in his speech: "Fwom her cwotch Michael! Duh!". (He has a speech impediment that makes him not able to pronounce his R's).

Who knew it would be so long (21 days!), so painful (on us!) and so interesting (to a certain extent)! Of course, we have to wait until the 21 days are done to get her spayed.

21 days of h-e-double-toothpicks

1 comment:

  1. I can picture it all......thanks for way too much information! :0
