
Pretty Cool Glasses!

Thursday 12 January 2012


I have another confession to make. I am a yarn junkie.

It's out in the open now. You all are my accountability partners.

I have another confession to make. Between November and December, I spent $121.86 on yarn alone. No needles, no stitch markers, no scissors, just yarn. Sad, eh? Not!

I have to admit, I love to bask in my yarn collection, full of wool, merino and silk. The feel of a solid pound of yarn, the glory! That's a lot of yarn!

The easiest way to build up a yarn junkies stash is to not use any of it. Then what do you do with the $121.86 I just spent on yarn in the last 2 months?

You do stuff with it, just don't knit it. Heaven forbid that you should use it in handiwork!

Besides, that much yarn is good insulation! Think of all the heating bills you could save! The possibilities!

It is also a low-cal rival for chocolate. You just have to look at all those colours and fibres, and your appetite just goes right out of you. For food, that is. In fact, your appetite for yarn just might increase if you frequently look at your yarn to decrease your chocolate temptations.

Knitters should come with a built-in "WARNING!" sign.

Yarn junkies also have a dialect all to their own, spoken mostly in grunts and whistles. Walk into any yarn store during a sale and you will hear the unmistakeable grunts and little screams and shouts of the excited yarn junkie. Remember, they're high on yarn, be kind to them.

I should stop, this is turning out to be a bird-watching trip for yarn junkies. As Danny Bhoy says, "Aw, what will they look like, Danny? Will they come by boat?". YouTube that.

I'll let you know how my yarn stash goes, keep me in your prayers, this is my university tuition I'm using here, folks! Just joking! Kind of.

KA- Full-time yarn junkie

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