
Pretty Cool Glasses!

Sunday 29 January 2012

Just an Average Fishing Trip- Part 1

Good evening folks, this is the start of my posts having to do with Diane, her summers at the cottage and her family, Father, Mum, Farley and Beth, and their dog, Toby.

I am hesitant to say that any coincidence or likeness of these characters is highly fictional, and made up, but I honestly can't. These stories are based on my summers at the cottage, and of the adventures my family has had there. Later, the stories will spill over to winter at the cottage, and even other seasons at home, instead of the cottage.

"One Saturday, Beth came home from Camp Living Water for her day off. With her, she brought Joe, her newly acquired boyfriend. He was, I'm inclined to think, the reason she stayed for 7 weeks at camp, instead of the original 4. He was extremely nice to Farl and I, and we prided ourselves in tilling Beth into such a presentable and desirable young lady. Joe was also an extremely excellant angler and, as a gift to Father and Mum, he brought a 6lb. bass, which he had caught, gutted and froze all by himself.

Farl had a hard rime controlling himself at the sight of this gorgeously large fish, so Joe, seeing Farl's bug eyes and jealousy, kindly offered to take him out that evening to see what he could teach Farl. Me, not to be reminded that Farl was a boy, and I was not, asked to go along too. beth, not to be left lone, without Joe, on that precious day off, said she would go along too.

Meanwhile, during the course of the afternoon, Joe and Farl spent time animating the fish, of which Joe had left the tail and head on, for added effect. Between the two of them, they ma the dead fish swim through the air, dance, and sing "Another One Bites the Dust". then they put it in the freezer, just so that when you opened the door, the head popped out with the eyes hanging out. It must be admitted that this was a startling find, especially when a flashlight is used during the night on the quest for an ice pack........

Back to our fishing trip. Just after dinner, we set out in the rowboat, the four of us, fishing rods a piece, a tackle box and a container of leeches. We spent the 20 minute row there (rowing because Joe said the motor would scare the fish), being instructed about proper equipment care, while Farl drank it all in. Farl seemed to think that even a well painted reel cover would help him catch bigger fish. We anchored off of the "No Fires" cliff, and proceeded to set up.

Each of us got a leech on our hooks, even thought Joe ended up putting each one on, and Joe started to teach us all his favorite techniques. We had gotten uneventfully past trolling and leaving the line, when Joe announced that he would teach us casting. Immediately I felt unsafe.".

To be continued next post! The story is a bit long to be told all at once, so stay tuned!


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